Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for Artemis ARC, LLC website users:

Collection of Non-personal Information
To measure website usage and to analyze ways to make our site more effective, we collect data about visitors such as browser type, platform type, time and date of visit, and IP address. The information collected is not personally identifiable. IP addresses we collect are not traced, pinged, or correlated to individuals. The non-personal information collected on our websites is shared with third-party service providers who provide us site usage analysis.

A cookie is a string of information that is stored on a computer when a user visits a website. Cookies stored on users’ computers are read upon subsequent visits to the website. Artemis’s website uses cookies to establish and monitor the status of active sessions on our website and to track website usage.

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information
Certain visitors to our websites choose to interact with us in ways that transmit personally identifiable information. The amount and type of information that we gather depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, those who choose to contact us or chat with us are asked to provide their name and email address. At the current time, downloading material from our website such as white papers does not require user registration; in the future access to such content might first require registration with our site, in which case name and email address (at a minimum) would also be collected. In all cases, we collect such information only as necessary or appropriate to fulfill the specific request or complete the action initiated by the visitor. Artemis does not disclose personally identifiable information other than as described below.

Contacting Artemis
Artemis allows visitors to contact us to send feedback, ask questions, or request additional information. Certain pages allow visitors to contact Artemis through the use of a contact form. All information provided to us through these communication methods is used to respond to the request. We may store your name, title, company name, address, phone number, email address, or other contact information. None of this information is disseminated to third parties.

Links to Other Sites and Third Parties
Content presented on our websites may include hyperlinks to external websites, Artemis content hosted on external sites, or externally hosted content embedded in pages on the Artemis website. Artemis is not responsible for the content or the information provided on external sites. Visitors who follow links to external websites should consult the other sites’ privacy policies regarding what information is submitted to, or collected by, these websites. Artemis websites also embed services provided by third parties, including vendors providing web analytics, online marketing, and recruiting services under contract to Artemis. Personal information collected on the Artemis website may be shared with these third-party service providers in support of Artemis marketing and recruiting activities.

Resume Collection
Artemis websites allow visitors to submit their resumes via email or online. Resumes received will be held in confidence and used only for the purpose of considering the submitting party for employment.

Protection of Personally Identifiable Information
Artemis discloses personally identifiable information to its employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations that need to know that information in order to process it on our behalf or to provide service. Artemis does not rent or sell personally identifiable information. Other than to its employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations, Artemis discloses personally identifiable information only when required to do so by law, or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of Artemis, third parties, or the public at large.

Updates and Effective Date
We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time as needed to reflect current business practices or to satisfy applicable legal or regulatory requirements. Please remember to review this policy periodically so that you always will be aware of what information we track and how we use it.

Questions about our privacy policy can be emailed to Please be advised not all inquiries will be responded to and response times may vary based on prevailing business conditions.